Ramakrishna Mission Boys' Home Junior Basic School , Rahara under the aegis of Ramakrishna Mission Boys' Home ,Rahara which has it's Headquarters at Belur Math, Howrah, West Bengal, is a Bengali Medium Primary school. Approximately 800 students from class l to lV study here. This school is earmarked exclusively for Boys. Nearly 150 destitute Orphan Boys study in this school.
The school is situated at Rahara in the district of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal which is around 20.1 Kilometres away from Kolkata. The journey of this school was initiated in 1944 by revered Swami Punyanandaji Maharaj. Of late the roll- strength of this school is 776 out of which 600 students are dayscholar and 176 students are ashram scholars.
Swami Vivekananda used to say that education is the panacea of all social evils. But by education he did not mean only book learning. He emphasized that education which is life-building , character- making and over and above man-making assimilation of ideas. This is why we emphatically stress on that education by which character is well-shaped, the intellect is expanded and strength of mind is augmented. This is the ideal of education which we try to put into effect at Ramakrishna Mission Boys' Home Junior Basic School, Rahara.
The school endeavours to train the minds of the little kids in its change according to the best traditions of the country, while guiding them in multidimensional - physically, mentally, intellectually and spiritually. The school also tries to attend to their holistic development so that they become healthy and strong citizens of the country rooted in sound moral principles, learn to respect the high values of life and become conscious of this obligation to the society and its people.
The students of this school always are endowed with brilliant academic results and luminous intelligence. The school imparts character - building education to inculcate the fundamental values of truth, purity and unselfishness. This basic principles always inspire students to actualise one of Swami Vivekananda's most cherished visions of glorious India of the future. This school believes in continuous development to achieve excellence, high academic attainment, inculcating habits of good citizenship and integrity along with the students. There lies embedded in every child a "Creative Self ". This school tends to nurture and build up young minds in accordance with one's knack and aptitude. This school aims of nurturing the underlying qualities in a child bringing to surface the genius in him.